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Prefabricados Delta, S.A is the supplier of pipe being installed in the Irrigation Community of “La Concepción” de Tamarite de Litera (Huesca)


Prefabricados Delta, S.A is the supplier of pipe being installed in the Irrigation Community of “La Concepción” de Tamarite de Litera (Huesca)

Prefabricados Delta, S.A is the supplier of pipe being installed in the Irrigation Community of “La Concepción” de Tamarite de Litera (Huesca)

Prefabricados Delta, S.A is the supplier of pipe being installed in the Irrigation Community of "La Concepción" de Tamarite de Litera (Huesca). The works are promoted by the SEIASA (Sociedad Estatal de Infraestructura Agraria) and are being implemented by the builder TRAGSA.

The project calls for the supply of GRP pipe: 12.5 Km diameters DN500-DN1200 mm.

The glass reinforced pipe (GRP) is manufactured in our factory Humanes (Madrid).